Kingfisher Pool, Heathcote National Park

Is Kingfisher Pool, a 3.2km return walk in Heathcote NP, a winner for small children? The answer is yes. It’s even a winner for adults. After eyeing off this section of the Waterfall – Heathcote track for some time, Marilla, Jane and I were finally able to try it out with my very old friends, Paul and Annie, and their daughters Charlie (3.5 years) and Betty (20 months). The fact that we hadn’t yet met either of their children was an added bonus (they live on the near-South Coast). Verdict A spectacular walk, if steep and challenging at times for younger children, through closed and open sclerophyll forests. Marilla and Charlie became instant friends (which helped when motivation was sagging). Wandering through almost pristine bush, we could scarcely believe we were at the edge of Sydney. There were remarkably few weeds for bushland so close to suburbia. Marilla was excited at the prospect of returning here to hike in and camp at Kingfisher Pool (preferably with Charlie) in the summer. We will definitely do this walk again, even possibly with Jane’s mum. The walk at a glance Departs from end of Warabin St, a few minutes walk from Waterfall Station … Continue reading Kingfisher Pool, Heathcote National Park